KBB: Interview on the essentials of online business


Kochie’s Business Builders program on Channel 7, which focuses on helping growing businesses improve their performance, has just started its fifth series. This series they have dedicated a complete program to an “online bootcamp”.

The program starts with an interview with me, after which I go on to interview two of Australia’s top online businesses: Freelancer.com and BigCommerce on their secrets of success.

The program has been excerpted in online videos. The kickoff interview is below. I will post videos from the other interviews shortly.

Here are some snapshots of what I cover in the interview:

* Online business is driving our world: not only is more business being done online, but almost all decisions are supported by online research
* While consumers are adopting online business as never before, most businesses are not nearly as engaged as they need to be
* Every business needs to be online, understand where their customers are spending time, build their presence in those spaces, share valuable information, express their personality, and develop powerful relationships
* We cannot stop information we don’t like getting out, but we can make the story we want to tell more visible than other information
* In the future we will share even more than today, and communities will be more and more central to how business is done
* Crowdsourcing is one of the biggest trends in business, providing companies with resources to do many of the tasks that drive their success