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269 search results for: influence


Why reputation, influence, and attention are becoming central to economies but are not currencies

This morning I gave the opening keynote for an internal future strategy session at a large insurance company. A group of 40 executives from across the organization, as part of a six month program, are spending two days immersing themselves in thinking about how the structure of the economy could change in the years and […]


List of the top 100 Twitter influencers in Australia

One of the key facets of the rise of the reputation economy is that reputation and influence can increasingly be measured. The rise of tools that measure people’s influence in social media channels, such as PeerIndex, Klout, and Twitter Grader, is just the beginning of a far broader shift to metrics of influence and reputation. […]


Thought leadership in technology – five key services to influence clients and increase sales

It is sometimes difficult to describe what my companies do. That is now a little bit easier, as we have created a flyer describing the key services of Advanced Human Technologies, focused on clients in the technology and media sector. The flyer does not mention our publishing and ventures activities, but covers the kind of […]


FTC regulates blogging! Insights into the new world of paid influence

The US Federal Trade Commission has released its long-awaited update to its “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising” to now cover blogging and social media. The headline news is that: The revised Guides also add new examples to illustrate the long standing principle that “material connections” (sometimes payments or free products) […]


Will Influencism supplant Capitalism? The emergence of the influence economy

One of the most interesting topics at the recent Future of Influence Summit was the emergence of business models for influence. Some particularly intriguing issues were raised in the Business Models for Influence and Reputation panel, suggesting that one of the key currencies of the future will be influence. The panellists generally agreed that total […]