Comments on: Scenarios for the downfall of Facebook and a new landscape for social networks Keynote speaker | Futurist | Strategy advisor Tue, 31 Jul 2012 02:17:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Reuben Conceicao Tue, 31 Jul 2012 02:17:00 +0000 Bots and fake accounts will be the downfall of Facebook. Currently, Facebook users are still regarded as relatively authentic, and people generally appreciate the convenience of Facebook Connect, but at some point, when confidence is eroded, you will see both businesses and individuals flock to a more trustworthy network. Apple has the potential to disrupt the space with its acquisition of AuthenTec, while Google has been primarily focused on facial recognition. It will not come down to privacy as the Internet generation willingly trade privacy for convenience. The big issue would be integrity of information. Who would want to advertise or engage with fake users? Nobody.

By: Aaron Wood Tue, 31 Jul 2012 01:47:00 +0000 In reply to Anonymous.

Lists have been around pre-G+. True, they don’t advertise them as being “central to the experience,” but they have been there.

By: billbennett Thu, 26 Jul 2012 21:34:00 +0000 In reply to Anonymous.

Yes, that last point is essential. It depends also on how long he can keep control and whether he can keep the business simple enough so that one person CAN stay in control.

That requires patience from the shareholders. I wonder if they’re up to it?

By: Anonymous Thu, 26 Jul 2012 10:28:00 +0000 In reply to billbennett.

Imperial Overreach is a good term… describes IBM and Yahoo. Nokia, Blackberry… simply overtaken by market disruption and new competitors. But some, I believe, are crippled by being acquired by those with the imperial overreach, and thus losing the creative, entrpreneurial vision required to keep making sense of these new markets. Myspace, Bebo,… all platforms with real promise, having their innovation and leadership stopped dead in its tracks by acquisition.

Facebook might now be a publicly-listed monolith, and it might overreach in certain areas and inflict the same fate described above on others (Instagram – though perhaps they have an interesting strategy there?), but at least it’s still lead by the guy who created it. The guy who had the dream. The guy who has the vision. The one guy who genuinely cares about it. We only have to look at the history of Apple to see how important that is to the really cutting-edge tech companies.

By: Dominique Turcq Thu, 26 Jul 2012 09:05:00 +0000 In reply to Ross Dawson.

Agreed. I believe that changes can be much faster than we were used to. Nokia, Palm pilot, Blackberry fell from grace in a few months as hardware platforms. Software platforms like FB could fall very fast too, even faster, because the switching cost is relatively easier, but it will not show as fast whenever it happens because one will not close one’s FB account as one threw away one’s old hardware. FB accounts will remain even if sleepy.

By: Anonymous Thu, 26 Jul 2012 07:36:00 +0000 I think the stand-out weakness of Facebook is, and always has been, that it lacks significant real-life context. i.e. that we function and operate, and mix in, to a degree or another, specialised groups… circles, as Google rightly calls them (yes Facebook has lists, but was very much a post-Google+ after-thought, and is not central to the experience).

So Google has the potential to supplant Facebook… but that’s still expecting individuals to overlay their own real-world social context on top of Google+… and i don’t think people really get that yet.

I’d like a great local social network. I’d like a great music social network. I’d like a great football (soccer) social network. If all the best of those things that i and others post then make it onto the uber, all-encompassing social network, then great, but i want more social immersion in what i’m really interested in… and not what the average person has to say about the (usually, distinctly less than) average TV show on any average, drab weekday…

Gimme depth, gimme context, gimme immersion, gimme meaning… i think i can handle more than one social network in my life, but to be honest, i’m struggling to handle 2 ‘uber-social networks’ vying only for the big prize…

By: billbennett Thu, 26 Jul 2012 06:37:00 +0000 Time and time again we’ve seen examples of what I think of as “imperial overreach”. Essentially this comes down to bad decision making by the people at the top of the pyramid, who aren’t listening properly to the signals at the bottom.

Or the organisation may be simply too unwieldy to react to change.

Either way, a huge empire can become irrelevant overnight.

In tech we’ve seen this with IBM, Nokia and Blackberry. Yahoo would be a good case study. Closer to Facebook it’s what happened at Bebo and Myspace.

By: billbennett Thu, 26 Jul 2012 06:37:00 +0000 Time and time again we’ve seen examples of what I think of as “imperial overreach”. Essentially this comes down to bad decision making by the people at the top of the pyramid, who aren’t listening properly to the signals at the bottom.

Or the organisation may be simply too unwieldy to react to change.

Either way, a huge empire can become irrelevant overnight.

In tech we’ve seen this with IBM, Nokia and Blackberry. Yahoo would be a good case study. Closer to Facebook it’s what happened at Bebo and Myspace.

By: Ross Dawson Wed, 25 Jul 2012 07:31:00 +0000 In reply to David.

It’s a plausible hypothesis David, though there are possible ways to avoid it, such as renewal. It is absolutely possible that Facebook is past its peak. But it will take a long time for any other than a handful of players, notably G+, to rival its size and presence.

Many early adopters have been on several social networks already. Many more only slowly moved on to Facebook, and would take much longer to shift onto another platform.

By: Ross Dawson Wed, 25 Jul 2012 07:26:00 +0000 In reply to Dominique Turcq.

That’s essentially what I describe as ‘open social networks’ in the post, but there are many variations on the theme. However this kind of platform is likely to take a long time to get 1 billion users…
