Comments on: Some thoughts on why Australians are #1 globally on social media usage (from a slow start) Keynote speaker | Futurist | Strategy advisor Thu, 30 Aug 2012 08:13:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: nguyentoloan Thu, 30 Aug 2012 08:13:00 +0000 oh, thank you for share..

By: Victoria tran Thu, 30 Aug 2012 03:32:00 +0000 I also use twitter for social media but it still hasn’t have any good result.

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By: Ross Dawson Mon, 25 Jan 2010 14:22:14 +0000 Hi Dean, I’ve seen the figure of one million Australian overseas (including people on holiday as well as those living abroad) from a number of sources – one of the most reliable (and a great document anyway) is the report Diaspora: the world wide web of Australians from the Lowy Institute

By: dean collins Mon, 25 Jan 2010 06:13:51 +0000 Hi Ross,
I know when i started blogging at it was about letting people at home know what i was experiencing when i first moved to New York but these days it’s more about what i’m finding over here work wise than lifestyle.
However i’m curious about your figure of 5%? Do you have a source for that? it seems really high and curious how accurate that really is.

By: Ross Dawson Mon, 25 Jan 2010 02:17:14 +0000 Fair enough Stephen, I’m not claiming these are the right answers – just possible ones.
However your suggested explanations apply equally in pretty much all countries – there is no reason these would apply more in Australia than anywhere else.

By: Stephen Bounds Mon, 25 Jan 2010 01:12:30 +0000 Hi Ross,
I’ll be honest — I don’t buy your proposed explanations.
You’re looking for social drivers when I think the change is more likely to have been driven by practical considerations. For example, policies forbidding webmail and instant messaging software in schools and offices have had an effect in moving people to web-only tools.
The other factor is simply the “winner takes all” effect where people naturally congregate to the communications tool that everyone else is using. Once a critical mass moves to a new tool, there is a strong incentive for everyone else to shift there as well.
